
Subject Status Agency Date added Response required by (estimate) Privacy status
Information regarding NLSAT Examination Filed (Request Sent) National Law School of India University Aug. 17, 2024 Sept. 28, 2024 Public
Request for mandatory information under RTI Filed (Request Sent) National Law School of India University Aug. 17, 2024 Sept. 28, 2024 Public
Regarding NLSAT Examination for 3-year LLB Course conducted by NLSIU Bengaluru Filed (Request Sent) National Law School of India University July 24, 2024 Sept. 3, 2024 Public
Information regarding P.A Sangma Fellowship Fulfilled National Law School of India University July 16, 2024 Aug. 27, 2024 Public
Requesting Information(RTI Act,2005)of Internal committee of NLSIU under PoSH Law (UGC 2015) Fulfilled National Law School of India University Jan. 10, 2022 Feb. 21, 2022 Public
Requesting Information (RTI Act, 2005) Internal Committee in NLSIU Bangalore under POSH Law, 2013. Fulfilled National Law School of India University Sept. 16, 2021 Dec. 8, 2021 Public
Request for NLSIU "Inclusion and Expansion Plan 2021-24" referred to be NLSIU before the Supreme Cou Will Not File National Law School of India University April 22, 2021 NA Public
Legal expenses incurred by National law school of India University in academic year 2020-21 Fulfilled National Law School of India University Dec. 6, 2020 Jan. 12, 2021 Public
Details of Budget and Staff strength for F.Y. 2019 - 2020 Fulfilled National Law School of India University Jan. 31, 2020 March 7, 2020 Public
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