
Subject Status Agency Date added Response required by (estimate) Privacy status
Information on complaints Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Sept. 2, 2024 Oct. 18, 2024 Public
Information on action taken Fulfilled State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana July 13, 2024 Aug. 22, 2024 Public
Accountability fixed for police inaction Will Not File State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana July 14, 2023 NA Public
Action against errant police officials Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Jan. 10, 2023 March 1, 2023 Public
Action against errant police officials Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Jan. 10, 2023 March 1, 2023 Public
Lapse on the part of police Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Jan. 4, 2023 Feb. 27, 2023 Public
Police inaction Will Not File State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Dec. 19, 2022 NA Public
Please furnish the Information under RTI Act with in 48 hours as it pertains to Life of peoples Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Dec. 16, 2022 Feb. 24, 2023 Public
Data on security Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Nov. 21, 2022 Jan. 16, 2023 Public
Regarding inaction by police Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Nov. 21, 2022 Jan. 16, 2023 Public
Frisking details Fulfilled State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Nov. 21, 2022 Jan. 14, 2023 Public
Action by SPCA Filed (Request Sent) State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Nov. 21, 2022 Jan. 14, 2023 Public
Action taken on complaint Fulfilled State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana March 1, 2022 May 5, 2022 Public
Information pertaining to complaints against police Fulfilled State Police Complaint Authority, (SPCA) Haryana Dec. 19, 2021 Jan. 27, 2022 Public
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