Request Details

Has Uber Integrated With Police Control Rooms?

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown

1. Has Uber installed any equipment in your city's police control room in order to notify you when there is an alert? If yes, on what date or in what month and year was it installed?

2. Is the equipment running and operational at this time? If yes, on what date or in what month and year did it become operational?

3. Is the interface language of the equipment English or your local language?

4. Did anyone on your staff receive training from Uber on how to operate the equipment and how to use the data when an alert is sent? If yes, on what date or in what month and year was the training? Was it in your city or did the trainees travel to Delhi or some other place?

5. Is the equipment monitored by police personnel or an Uber employee stationed in the police control room?

6. Have you received any alerts from passengers on this equipment? If yes, how many alerts have you received in 2016?

7. When you receive an alert on the Uber system, what is the follow-up procedure?

8. Have you received any alerts or calls from Uber through the normal police help line, whether it is 100 or some other phone number? If so, how many calls did you receive from Uber in all of 2016?