Request Details

Govt of Andhra Pradesh/Dept of School Education Govt of Andhra Pradesh MOU with Bridge International Academy

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Government level: Andhra Pradesh (India)
Addressed to: State Public Information Officer

1) Copy of the MOU between Govt of Andhra Pradesh/ Dept. of School Education, Govt of Andhra Pradesh and Bridge International Academy (BIA)

2) District AND town wise list of former government school buildings that have been given to the BIA with school names, the type of school (primary/ pre-primary/ secondary, senior secondary) along with the U Dise codes for each of the schools wherever possible. Please also provide a list of schools that are currently functional under the BIA.

3) Copies of agreement letters/ contract agreements/any other documents between the Dept. of School Education (Government of Andhra Pradesh) and the BIA, such that these indicate conditions under which the BIA is supposed to operate and runs schools.

4) Documents detailing how many children are enrolled in each of the BIA run schools?

5) Documents detailing how many teachers at each  each BIA run school and whether each BIA run school has a principal.

6) Documents detailing the different types of fees charged for each of these schools. Please provide a list of these along with a list of the all the schools run by the BIA.

7) What is the medium of instruction (language) in the BIA run schools? Please indicate the medium of instruction in the list of schools that you provide. Alternatively, please provide a separate list indicating the medium of instruction for each of these schools.

8) What curriculum do the schools follow and what school board are they affiliated to?

9) Is BIA running any schools in Andhra Pradesh which are not in former government school buildings? If Yes, how many and where, and what level (primary/secondary/etc) of schools are these and what fees do they charge? How many children are enrolled in these schools ?