Request Details

Request for Information under RTI Act, 2005 - pertaining to Mother Dairy

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Anand Nagarpalika Station Road, Anand, GJ 388 001

This request pertains to Mother Dairy Limited, under NDDB, and it's products -

1. Provide a certified copy of nutrition information of products -
(a) Live Lite: Low Fat Milk
(b) ESL Fit Life Milk (450ml)
(c) Sandwich Bread, Brown Bread, and Milk & Fruit Bread respectively.
(d) Double Toned Milk
(e) Low Fat Dahi - SLIM Dahi 

2. Provide certified copies of all products offered by Mother Dairy along with their variants and prices respectively. 
3. Provide a reason on record why the products in point1.a,  Point 1.b, and Q1.e are not found in Store 603, 604 and 605, in Janakpuri New Delhi.