Request Details

number of metro stations in DMRC's third phase

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown


1 December 2016


Anuj Dayal

Executive Director / Corporate Communications

& PIO, Civil Construction

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)

Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane,

Barakhambha Road,

New Delhi-110001

Subject: Status of the DMRC construction site at Hauz khas metro station

Dear Sir/Madam

Pursuant to the Right to Information Act (2005), I hereby request the following information:

Dear Sir

A section of the Hauz Khas Metro station has been under construction for the past 4 years. DMRC employees at the Hauz Khas Metro station have claimed that this is part of the next phase on the metro rail line.

If this is true, kindly provide information on the following

1. Please provide site plans for this construction site. Please also provide any plans, maps or documents that indicate the significance of Hauz Khas to the new phase,

2. Is there a deadline for the on going work at the Hauz Khas metro station? How much longer will this construction take? Kindly provide timelines, plans that have been drafted specifically for this site.

Please provide clear copies of any gazettes, notifications, circulars or any other public communications, as well as reports, budget documents, expense statements, invoices, meeting notes, office memos or emails that provide information on this matter. See Section 2(i) and 2(j) of the RTI Act (2005).

In conforming to Section 6(3), if this information is not within your control please transfer the request to the appropriate PIO and inform me of the transfer.

I have included an IPO (#) in the amount of Rs10. Please inform me of any additional charges associated with fulfilling this request.

In the interest of expediency, and to minimize the research and/or duplication burden on your staff, please send records electronically if possible. The email address is provided below. If this is not possible, please send clear photocopies to the postal address below:


Postal reply to: Sushil Kambampati

White Rann Content & Services

6th Floor, JMD Regent Square

M G Road

Gurgaon 122 002

Please contact me if you have any questions about my request.


Sushil Kambampati