Request Details

Provide the below information under RTI Act 2005

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Jammu and Kashmir (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Directorate of Stationary & Office Supplies, Rail Head Complex, Jammu, JK 180012

The District Implementation Unit (DIU) of [Specify District], am writing to seek information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. Despite numerous representations and letters addressed to your esteemed office on various pressing concerns, there has been an alarming lack of response and action. The issues at hand significantly impact the operational efficiency and morale of the DIU teams across the jurisdiction of the State Health Agency (SHA).

1. Shift from SHA Payroll to Outsourcing: Explanation and documents that led to the decision of moving DIU employees from being on SHA’s payroll to outsourcing their positions, particularly when initial advertisements and communications suggested otherwise.

2.. Detailed Records of Correspondence: Please provide detailed information, including dates and contents, of all the representations and letters sent by the District Implementation Units (including DPCs, DISM, and DGNO of [Specify District] if applicable) to the CEO of the State Health Agency over the last two years. This should include, but not be limited to, communications regarding contracts with SHA, requests for Travel Allowance/Dearness Allowance (TA/DA), salary hikes, and infrastructural support.

3. Status and Reasons for Non-Disbursement of TA/DA: Specific details regarding the reasons for the non-disbursement of TA/DA to the DIU members for over two years, despite repeated requests.

4. Decisions Regarding Salary and Infrastructure: Information on the decision-making process related to the absence of salary hikes and lack of infrastructural development at the district level for DIU members, despite repeated representations.

5. Contractual Engagement with Trianga: Comprehensive details on the process and criteria used for hiring Trianga, including the rationale behind choosing this agency despite its reported unfavourable reputation. This should also include any assessments or evaluations that were conducted prior to their selection.

6. Responses to Previous Communications: A detailed report on why there has been no response to the ten or more letters previously sent to your office regarding these critical issues.

As a stakeholder in the health infrastructure of it is imperative for us to understand the reasoning behind these decisions, which directly affect the functioning and efficiency of the health services at the grassroots level. The requested information is crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making within the public health domain.

Government level: Jammu and Kashmir (India)
Addressed to: First Appellate Authority
Directorate of Stationary & Office Supplies, Rail Head Complex, Jammu, JK 180012

Till date, The Public information officer has not furnished the required information. I request you instruct the public information officer to furnish information requested by me under the provisions of the RTI act 2005 as early as possible