Request Details

Attendance of ITU-APT foundation at private events

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Department of Commerce
Addressed to: Jitendar Singh

On 6th September 2017 Medianama organized a private, closed-door conference titled NAMA Privacy. The event was not open to the public even through payment of an entry fee, and the official agenda of the event included discussions of matters of policy such as electronic privacy, data protection, and crypto currencies, hereafter referred to as "SUCH EVENTS". An advertisement meant to boost the stature of Medianama, and therefore increase its revenues, mentioned that representatives from the ITU-APT foundation would be in attendance. In reference to this, please provide the following information:

1. Were any employees of the ITU-APT foundation in attendance at this conference on 6 September 2017?

a) If so, who were they and what are their titles and roles within the ITU-APT foundation.

2. Did they receive any gifts, goods or services, including meals at no cost, at this conference? List all benefits and estimated value of goods and services received.

3. Does the ITU-APT foundation overall have any policy on declaration of goods, services and benefits that applies to employees, up to and including the rank of Secretary? Please provide copies.

4. Does the ITU-APT foundation overall have a policy on civil servants, at any rank up to and including the Secretary, attending SUCH EVENTS? Please provide any copies of such policy.

5. If employees of the ITU-APT foundation are permitted to attend SUCH EVENTS, do they need to seek and receive prior approval? Which rank of civil servants may attend without seeking prior approval, and which ranks must seek approval?

6. If ITU-APT foundation officials were in attendance, is what they say official representation of the views of the ITU-APT foundation? Are they required to submit notes on what they said and what others said?

7. If ITU-APT foundation officials were in attendance in an official capacity, then the public has a right to know what they heard, saw and said. Please provide copies of any notes, documents including handouts and slides that they took from the meeting.

8. Provide a list of all SUCH EVENTS where officials from the ITU-APT foundation were in attendance from 1 January 2016, including name of the event, the organizer, who from the ITU-APT foundation attended, and their title or role in the ITU-APT foundation.