Request Details

Request for Information Under RTI Act, 2005 Regarding Scrutiny of Employees Using Fake Degrees

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Punjab (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
6th Floor, Punjab Civil Secretariat 1, Sector 1, Chandigarh, PB 160001

I am writing this application under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, to request detailed information regarding the scrutiny process conducted by the Punjab State Rural Livelihoods Mission (PSRLM) against employees suspected of using fake degrees. Kindly provide the following details:

1) Number of Employees Scrutinised: Total number of employees whose degrees were scrutinised by the PSRLM department.

2) Details of employees whose degrees were further scrutinised due to doubts or discrepancies found during the initial verification.

3) List of employees whose contracts were delayed due to the scrutiny process. Reasons for the delay in each case and also provide copy of list.

4) Detailed description of the process followed to verify the degrees of the employees.

5) Names and designations of the officials involved in the verification process.

6) Provide copies of the verification reports for all employees whose degrees were scrutinised from respective universities or verify report if it's verified by any authorised official.