Request Details

Request for Information Regarding Progress on Cyber Fraud Complaint ID 886-SP-II

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Haryana (India)
Agency/Ministry: Faridabad Police Department
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
SEC-21 C, Faridabad, HR 121002

COMPLAINT ID: 886 SP II DATED 06/10/2023

Relevant Legislature: Seeking information under Sections 6 and 7 of the Right to Information Act, 2005, Section 74/76 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, and Article 19 of the Constitution of India.


1. Request for a copy of the FIR (First Information Report) registered/ converted based on the complaint.

2. Request about the current status of the investigation into your case.

3. Request for details on any actions taken to recover the money since the filing of the complaint along with relevant dates and supporting documents.

4. Request about the reasons for the cancellation of the online complaint 21309230032381 dated 02/10/2023.

5. Request for information on any suspects or persons of interest identified in connection with the fraud.

6. Details about the future course of action to be taken by the department to resolve the case and recover the money.

7. Request for an estimated timeline or expected duration for resolving the case and recovering the funds.

8. If the complaint has not been converted into an FIR yet, request the reasons behind this delay and the expected timeline for conversion.

9. Details about the department's communication and coordination with other relevant authorities/banks. 

10. Any other information in this matter may also be shared in the applicant's interest.

I state that the information sought does not fall within restrictions contained in Section 9 of the RTI, Act 2005, and to best of our knowledge, it pertains to your office.

In case the above-asked information is not available with your office, kindly forward our application to the concerned public authority as per Section 6(3) of the RTI Act, 2005.

This request may be treated as urgent and necessary information to be shared on a priority basis.

NOTE:- I am enclosing an attested Xerox copy of my Voter ID card as proof of my Indian Citizenship. The address that appears on my voter ID card is my residential address, I am filing the RTI request from my office address