Request Details

Non payment of Wind power dues

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: ABHILAKH SINGH

India Habitat Centre Complex, 4A, East Court, Ist Floor, Lodi Road, New Delhi

Subject: Non payment of Wind power dues

Dear Sir/Madam:

Pursuant to , I hereby request the following information:

For the past 1.5 years, dues of the wind power producers have not been paid by the state electricity boards of Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh despite no fault of the power producers. As per the Power purchase agreement signed by the State electricity boards with the power producers, interest is chargeable on the delayed amount

In spite of repeated follow up, the state electricity boards are refusing to pay the principle or the interest to the wind power producers. This is causing financial hardships on the wind power producers and will lead to stoppage of renewable power to the state electricity boards

In such an eventuality, India will stand in violation of the Kyoto Protocol which mandates the nation to reduce its carbon emissions. So how does India plan to remain in commitment to its international obligations and when will the state electricity boards will be compelled to reimburse the power producers their rightful dues.

Please advise me in advance of the estimated charges associated with fulfilling this request. Please send me a detailed and itemized explanation of those charges.

In the interest of expediency, and to minimize the research and/or duplication burden on your staff, please send records electronically (to if possible. If this is not possible, please send your response to the postal address below:

Nachiket Patil,

1st Floor, Adams Court, Baner Road, Pune 411045

Please contact me if you have any questions about my request.


Nachiket Patil