Request Details

Risk Management Plan (RMP) rules by Maharashtra Medical Council

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Government level: Maharashtra (India)
Addressed to: Duleep Wange

1) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rule/office memo or any other document issued which states that the renewal of registration is mandatory. Please provide the copy of the rules and its date of renewal of registration of RMP.

2) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rules/office memo or any other document issued which states that the additional qualification registration is optional or compulsory.

3) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rules/office memo or any other document issued which deals with the procedure for renewal of lapsed registration and penalty to regularize the lapsed registration.

4) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rules/office memo or any other document issued which deals with the number of RMP that have not been renewed or have been lapsed registration in Mumbai.

5) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rules/office memo or any other document issued which deals with the rules to award penalty for not renewing the lapsed registration.

6) Please provide certified copy of the order/notice/notification/guidelines/gazette/rules/office memo or any other document issued which deals with the quantum of punishment is decided by well discussed and impartially framed rules or by the observation of ethics committee.

7)The rule No.27 of MCI is not asking for renewal of registration of the RMP and no restriction to practice after primary registration in this case please provide any further deviation from the rules already stipulated in 1956 and please provide documents of sanctions obtained from State Government to modify the rules..