Request Details

Status of Swachh Bharat Mission(SBM) in Ajmer District-Rajasthan

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Sushil Kumar

1. Provide the details of Fund Allocated under Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban/Gramin) by the Central Government/Ministries for Ajmer District-Rajasthan from Oct 2014 to till date.

2. Provide the copy of Utilization Certificates of each utilized funds by the Rajasthan State Government from Oct 2014 to till date.

3. What Initiatives or plans were taken by Central/State Governments to establish Swachh Bharat Mission successes full in Ajmer from Oct 2014 to till date? Please provide clear copies or any documents that provide information on this matter.

4. Provide the lists of concerned officers who have appointed to monitor Swachh Bharat Mission in all areas of Ajmer along with their contact details, designation from Oct 2014 to till date.

5. What are the activities/programmes are taken up under Bharat Mission to educate citizens about Swachhata? Provide the lists with year wise breakup from Oct 2014 to till date.

6. Provide the copies of success stories after implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission in Ajmer District.

7. Did agencies have recruited some workers/staffs for implementing Swachh Bharat Mission in Ajmer District? If yes, then please provide details of the recruitment with clear copies or any documents that provide information on this matter.