Request Details

First Appeal for my RTI request #DIEFS2UZ

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Ms. Gunjan Chauhan
Room No. 306, 3rd Floor, Samrat Hotel, Kautilya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, DL 110021


I respectfully submit this appeal regarding the response received dated 09.09.2024 to my RTI application dated 07.08.2024

Grounds for Appeal:

1. Inadequate Disclosure of Information: The response to my RTI query redirected me to publicly available documents that outline the general rules but fail to disclose the detailed procedural steps followed by the department in taking disciplinary action against employees for unauthorized absence. The provided link, contrary to the CPIO’s claim, does not contain the "detailed procedure followed by the department" but the rules based on which actions may be taken. This omission directly impacts my ability to understand the specific administrative application of these rules.

2. Request for Administrative Procedures: My queries in points (2) to (3) are intended to seek factual information regarding how established rules, such as CCS (Conduct) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, and Fundamental Rule 17(1), are applied by your office in cases of unauthorized absence and salary withholding. These rules are well-documented and form part of the broader legal framework governing employee conduct and service. Administrative processes related to the application of established rules are generally documented in some form—be it in office orders, internal memos, or other records. While the rules themselves may be publicly available, the specific application of these rules within your office should be recorded and, therefore, falls within the purview of the RTI Act. I am seeking the factual application of these established rules, which should be part of any structured administrative decision-making process. 

3. Seeking Factual, Not Interpretative, Information: 

Point (2): The application of Fundamental Rule 17(1) particularly in relation to the withholding of salary without prior notification or the initiation of formal disciplinary procedures.        Point (3): Practices followed before issuing a formal chargesheet regarding salary withholding. These inquiries are directed toward obtaining a comprehensive understanding of procedural adherence, not hypothetical or interpretative scenarios.

4. Public Interest and Accountability: Ensuring transparency in the administrative application of rules is crucial for accountability within public offices. The rejection of requests for such procedural information undermines the objectives of the RTI Act, which aims to promote openness and transparency in the functioning of public authorities. It is imperative that public authorities maintain transparency in their decision-making processes, especially when such decisions impact an employee’s salary and livelihood. Hence, the administrative procedures followed in your office in such cases should be accessible under the RTI Act and cannot be denied on the grounds of seeking clarifications.


I respectfully request a detailed disclosure of the procedural steps, including any internal guidelines, SOPs, or memoranda, that explain the application of the rules sought in my original RTI application within your department.

I trust that my appeal will be considered, and the requested information, which pertains to established rules and administrative practices, will be provided as per the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005. I look forward to a positive response from your office, in the spirit of transparency and accountability.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.