Request Details

Import of graded scrap by SAIL

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown

Furnish the following information under RTI act about import of graded scrap by SAIL/Salem Steel Plant during the year 2015 & 2016

1) How many tons of graded scrap imported

2) What is the price paid for ton of graded scrap

3) What is the price per ton of graded scrap from SAIL/Bhilai Steel plant

4) How much demurrage paying/paid/yet to be paid for the scrap lying in Chennai sea port.

5) When the scrap is transported to SAIL steel Plant.

6) What would be the transportation cost from Chennai sea port to Salem steel plant

7) What would be the transportation cost from Bhilai steel plant to Salem steel plant