Request Details

Request for Information Regarding Mandatory Aadhar Requirement on Bihar Government RTPS Site

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Bihar (India)
Agency/Ministry: Chief Minister's Office
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
4, Deshratna Marg, Patna, BR 800001

As per the Supreme Court's directives, Aadhar cannot be made mandatory for availing of government services. However, it has come to my attention that the Bihar government's RTPS website is still demanding Aadhar as a mandatory requirement for certain services.

Hence, I kindly request the following information:

1. Please provide details on the legal basis or any government notification allowing the Bihar Government's RTPS website to make Aadhar mandatory for availing services.

2. Has the Bihar Government received any communication or directive from the central government or any other authority regarding the mandatory requirement of Aadhar on the RTPS website. If yes, please provide a copy of the communication or directive.

3. What measures has the Bihar government taken to comply with the Supreme Court's orders regarding the non-mandate of Aadhar for availing government services.

4. Please furnish details of any complaints or representations received by the Bihar Government regarding the mandatory requirement of Aadhar on the RTPS website and the actions taken in response to such complaints or representations.

5. Provide information on any steps being taken or planned by the Bihar government to ensure compliance with the Supreme Court's orders regarding the use of Aadhar.