Request Details

Details of Double bedroom Houses for People of Hyderabad

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Telangana (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
CC Complex Tank Bund Road, Lower Tank Bund, Hyderabad, TG 500063

1. Provide the number of application received by government of Telangana in connection with Double bed room Houses in GHMC limits.

2. Provide the list of people who got the double bedroom houses in GHMC limits.

3. Provide the location identified from government for construction of double bedroom houses  in GHMC limits.

4.Who is the Details of concern officer who handling the project of double bedroom houses.

5.Provide the details of  processes of identifying BPL people for this scheme.

6. any Quota or reservation for MP/MLA for allotment of double bed room houses.

7. Provide the details of meeting conducted by Chief of Telangana in connection with double bedroom houses.

8. provide the name of contractor and sub contractor who building double bed room houses.