Request Details

Information regarding TA duty for RA scholars and Multiple TA duties at IIT Patna

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Government level: Bihar (India)
Addressed to: Central Public Information Officer
Bihta, Patna, BR 801106

I am writing to request information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005. My queries are as follows:

1. Please provide details of PhD students in departments funded by Research Assistant (RA) activities who are also allocated Teaching Assistant (TA) duties, indicating the number of such cases and the departments involved.

2. For PhD students allocated TA duties despite their RA funding:

a) Are their RA activities reduced proportionately.

b) Are they paid extra for TA duty, considering their funding is for RA? If not, why not?

3. Please provide details on the allocation of multiple Teaching Assistant (TA) duties to students in a single semester due to a lack of TAs. Specifically, I would like to know:

a) Provide the criteria for selecting students for multiple TA duties.

b) Is there a system of rotation in place to ensure that students who have already undertaken multiple TA duties in one semester are not assigned multiple TA duties in the following semester.

c) How does the institute ensure a fair and equitable distribution of TA duties among students in such cases.