Request Details

Requesting Information(RTI Act,2005)of Internal committee of NLSIU under PoSH Law (UGC 2015)

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Government level: Karnataka (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Gnana Bharathi Main Road, Teachers Colony Naagarabhaavi, Bengaluru, KA 560072

Does the college have an Internal Committee (hereafter referred to as IC).

Does the college IC have 3 elected student members.

The date of the last election held for the election of 3 student members to the IC.

The number of cases reported to the IC between May 2019- May 2020.

The number of cases reported to the IC between May 2020- May 2021.

The number of cases resolved within 90 days by the IC between May 2019- May 2020.

The number of cases resolved within 90 days by the IC between May 2020- May 2021.

The nature of action taken by the IC in each case between May 2019-May 2020.

The nature of action taken by the IC in each case between May 2020-May 2021.

The exact number of locations in college where posters with details of the IC have been put up.

The number of times the IC has convened meetings including elected student members between May 2019 to May 2020.

The number of times the IC has convened meetings including elected student members between May 2020 to May 2021.

The number of training programmes conducted for gender sensitization of staff members between May 2019- May 2020.

The number of training programmes conducted for gender sensitization of staff members between May 2020- May 2021.

The number of training programmes conducted for gender sensitization of students between May 2019- May 2020.

The number of training programmes conducted for gender sensitization of students between May 2020- May 2021.

The number of audits conducted to review the implementation of the PoSH Law in the college between May 2019- May 2020.

The number of audits conducted to review the implementation of the PoSH Law in the college between May 2020- May 2021.

The number of counsellors currently employed by the college.

Is there a procedure in place for the working of the IC. If yes, please narrate the procedure followed when a complaint is reported. If not, what is the protocol followed by the committee.

When was the IC established.

Is there a fixed time period in which a complaint has to be addressed. If not, how does the IC ensure that the entire process of evaluating a complaint is carried out within a reasonable frame of time.

Do different levels of inquiry take place within the stipulated time period for each level if a complaint is unresolved.

Has your institution implemented the recommendations of the IC. If yes, how many times.

How many unresolved and pending complaints are to be still addressed by the IC.

What support is offered to the complainant after they report their complaint.

What are the concrete steps taken to ensure that the complainant is not bullied or intimidated after they report their complaint.

What support is offered to the respondent after a complaint is registered against them.

How do you ensure that the respondent gets a chance to reply to the charges made against them.

Is the procedure similar for all nature of complaints. If not, how does that procedure differ.

Section 19(13)of the POSH act requires a policy to be made and enforced in institutions to create a safe working environment. Does your institute have such a policy that addresses the code of conduct, procedure etc for any form of sexual harassment on campus. If yes, please attach the policy with this document.

The POSH act requires comprehensive compilation of sexual harassment complaints received by the IC. Has your institute complied with this provision for the year 2020.

Has your institute addressed the sexual harassment complaints received by the IC for the year 2019.

Do the members of the IC receive adequate training to address sexual harassment complaints that they receive? If yes, what has been the nature of that training, and how often do the members receive such training.

How does your education institute choose members for forming an IC. Please elaborate the procedure for this assessment.

How many times has your college implemented the recommendations of IC.

As per Section 4 of the POSH act, members of the IC should have relevant expertise and experience in social work or be familiar with labour, service, criminal or civil law. What are the qualifications of the IC members of this institution that make them adept at handling sexual harassment complaints.

If there is interference caused by different persons to negate a complaint, how does the IC ensure such interference does not deprive the validity of the complaint.