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Information regarding PGC Haryana

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Government level: Haryana (India)
Agency/Ministry: Chief Secretary, Haryana
Addressed to: Public information Officer
4th Floor, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Sector-1, Chandigarh, HR 160001

Govt. of NCT of Delhi has established Public Grievances Commission for redressal of grievances pertaining to Delhi Govt. departments.

"The Government of NCT of Delhi with the prior approval of the Central Government, Ministry of Home Affairs has established a Public Grievances Commission (Commission) with a view to providing a comprehensive mechanism for redressal of grievances of the public against the Departments of the GNCT of Delhi, Local Bodies, Autonomous Organizations/Undertakings and other institutions owned or substantially financed by the Government of Delhi. The Commission was set up vide a Resolution dated 25th September 1997 as a functionally independent body, responsible for the speedy redressal of complaints of the public, to take action against acts of omission or commission on the part of public officials working in the organizations of the Delhi Government and to recommend such action as considered necessary for redressal of such grievances."

In this regard, kindly furnish the following information:

1. Whether State Government of Haryana has established Public Grievances Commission on the lines of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

2. If yes, kindly provide the following details:

a. Names & designations of Chairman and Members of Public Grievances Commission, Haryana.

b. Complete address of Public Grievances Commission, Haryana.

c. Official email addresses and telephone numbers of Public Grievances Commission, Haryana (including email addresses and telephone numbers of Chairman and Members).