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Information related to Reserve Bank of India’s acquisition of State Bank of Hyderabad

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Addressed to: Central Public Information Officer
Central Office Building (21st Floor), Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai, MH 400001


Parliament of India, through “The State Bank of Hyderabad Act, 1956” had transferred the share capital of the erstwhile Hyderabad State Bank (later referred to as State Bank of Hyderabad) to Reserve Bank of India; in view of the reorganisation of states and to secure the more efficient performance of banking and treasury functions.

Per Act's Chapter II, “Re-naming of the Hyderabad State Bank and transfer of its share capital to the Reserve Bank“,

& Section 6, “Compensation to Shareholders of Hyderabad State Bank”

Reads —

“The Reserve Bank shall pay to the State Government of Hyderabad and every other person who immediately before the appointed day, is registered as a holder of shares in the Hyderabad State Bank, as compensation for the transfer of such shares to the Reserve Bank under section 5, an amount calculated at the rate of ninety-four rupees four annas and six pies in Indian currency for each share of the face value of One Hundred Osmania Sicca rupees.”

Under above context please provide following information:

1) Please provide list of all shareholders with voting rights or more than five percent shares in the erstwhile Hyderabad State Bank, as on 1 December 1956.

2) Please provide how much compensation, Reserve Bank of India, has paid to the shareholders of erstwhile Hyderabad State Bank, per the mandate of the said act for taking over the bank. List of shareholders and compensation paid to them (shareholders who hold more than 5% shares/have voting rights).

3) If compensation was paid to state governments of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka; please provide break up of compensation state-wise.

4) Please provide balance sheet and annual report of the erstwhile Hyderabad State Bank as on 31 March 1957.

5) Please provide list of assets received as part of acquisition of erstwhile Hyderabad State Bank including land, commercial properties etc.