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Application under Right to Information Act 2005

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown


The Ministry of Textiles has been implementing the Scheme for Integrated Textiles Parks since the year 2005. Further, the Ministry of Textiles has appointed Project Management Consultants (PMC) for implementation of the SITP. Similarly, the Ministry of Textiles has appointed Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for implementation / development of Erode Powerloom Mega Cluster In this context, I request you to provide following information under the Right to Information Act, 2005:-

1. Copy of the records containing the criteria stipulated for selection of the Project Management Consultant (PMC) for implementing the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) during the 11th Five Year Plan and 12th Five Year Plan periods.

2. Name /address of the company / individual, who had applied for appointment as PMC during 11th and 12th Five Year Plan periods and name of the company / individual, who were appointed as PMC during the said periods.

3. Copy of the records containing assessment of the applications received for appointment of PMC during 11th and 12th Five Year Plan periods.

4. Copy of the applications including the supporting documents submitted by M/s C.S. Architects Pvt Ltd, Salem, Tamil Nadu for appointment as PMC during 11th Five Year Plan period.

5. Copy of the applications including the supporting documents submitted by M/s C.S. Architects Pvt Ltd, Salem, Tamil Nadu for appointment as PMC during 12th Five Year Plan period.

6. Copy of the records containing the criteria stipulated for selection of Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for implementing Erode Powerloom Mega Cluster.

7. Copy of the records containing assessment of the applications received for appointment of Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for implementing Erode Powerloom Mega Cluster.

8. Copy of the applications including the supporting documents submitted by M/s C.S. Architects Pvt Ltd, Salem, Tamil Nadu for appointment as Cluster Management and Technical Agency (CMTA) for implementing Erode Powerloom Mega Cluster.