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Information on the budget allocated and utilized by HUPA under Deen Dayal Antodaya Yojana

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Madhu Kapoor

Respected Sir

On the 14th October 2014, the Press Information Bureau of the Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Ministry announced that it would rope in several skill development agencies , namely the National Skills Development Corporation under the 'Deen Dayal Antodaya Yojana' (DAY) so as to under take necessary skill development and training for the urban poor. The press statement, also read that according to the 12th five year plan, a total of 6,600 crore is to be spent on the National Urban Livelihood Mission, of which 500 crore has been allocated for skill development.

Give all of this, please provide information on the following?

1. What is the total budget allocated for skill development under the DAY? 

2. How much of this budget has already been utilized for skill development programs for the poor? Please provide utilization certificates, audit reports or any other such documents that indicate the amount of money expensed under this scheme.

3. As per this statement, the ministry had aimed to skill 5 lakh urban poor under DAY. How many people under the DAY has HUPA, in collaboration with the NSDC been able to skill thus far?

4. The statement further reads that as per the MoU between HUPA and NSDC, '2,200  training centers' would be opened, and that NSDC would 'assist in training the urban poor' along with it's 90 training partners, helping not only in skill development but in also identifying  beneficiaries such that individuals trained are employed. In this context,

 (i) Kindly provide documented details for the 2,200 centers. Are all these centers functional? If so, how many people have each of these centers been able to train and help find a livelihood?

5. How much of the 500 crore of the 6,600 crore , allotted to skill development in the National Urban Livelihood Mission has the Ministry allotted to these programs under DAY?