Request Details

Details of ASRB NET-ARS exam 2018 regarding

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Central Public Information Officer
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, DL 110001

Provide the following information for ARS-NET (Agriculture Research Service & National Eligibility Test) combined competitive examination conducted by ASRB ( Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board) for subject Bioinformatics ( subject code 54) held on 8th April, 2018.

1) Please provide full question paper for ASRB ARS-NET  competitive examination question paper for year 2018 of subject Bioinformatics (Subject Code 54) and also please provide corresponding answer key. If there are multiple sets of question paper, please provide all the sets and their corresponding answer key.

2) How many questions were "open" in ARS-NET 2018 in subject Bioinformatics (subject Code 54) and please detail the reason?

3) How many candidates qualified in ARS pre exam 2018 ( Agriculture Research Service preliminary examination ) in subject Bioinformatics (Subject code 54) in all the categories ( General / OBC / SC / ST) . Please indicate total number of candidates qualified for each category?

4) How many candidates qualified NET 2018 exam (National Eligibility Test) in subject Bioinformatics (Subject Code 54) in all the categories.  Please provide total number of candidates qualified for each category?

5) How many candidates applied for ASRB ARS or NET or combined examination for subject Bioinformatics (Subject Code 54) and out of them how many actually appeared for the examination.