Request Details

Pending salary of Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune

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Addressed to: Public Information Officer

Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune has paid 30% salary for 19 months from march 2020. Now they have credited balance salaries. But college chairman Sagar Ulhas Dhole patil and his management team is forcing us to sign cheques and withdrawal slips so that they can withdraw money from our account forcefully. They are threatening us about our jobs.

We reported issue and complaint to Chief ministers' office repeatedly. We received reply as, ' your mail is forwarded to respective department'. 

Now we want information about what action is initiated on Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune about this issue.

Thank you.

Notes added by YouRTI admin
Dear Applicant,                        This will not come under the ambit of RTI act 2005. Please forward the complaint to the concerned authorities for taking necessary action.