Request Details

Regarding ACP

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown

I am Ex-serviceman No.-2991051F Ex Hav Sanjeev Kumar Tomar. I took premature retirement on 30 Jun 2007 from JAK LI Regiment. I have served more than 10 years in Havildar rank (i.e from Feb 1997 to 30 Jun 2007) but was not provided ACP despite of serving more than 10 years in same rank whereas my juniors are nowadays getting MACP in just 8 years of service in same rank. Kindly let me know reason of such injustice. If some wrong policy exists on the matter, kindly take up the case with appropriate authority for such leniency. The meaning of OROP is not there for such injustice to past veterans. 

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