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How prepared was the RBI for demonetisation?

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Unknown
Addressed to: Unknown

With regard to the recent demonetisation:

1. When was the RBI first informed of the government's plan to demonetise? Please provide copies of any letters, notices, memoranda, instructions or emails telling the RBI to prepare for this move.

2. When was the RBI informed of the actual date, i.e. 8 November 2016?

3. Please provide the dates and order size given by the RBI for all orders to print the new Rs2000 notes.

4. Please provide the dates and order size given by the RBI for all orders to print the new Rs500 notes.

5. What amounts of the new Rs2000 notes were physically located in all the different RBI zones as of midnight of 8 November 2016?

6. What amounts of the new Rs500 notes were physically located in all the different RBI zones as of midnight of 8 November 2016?