Request Details

Details of Prosopis Juliflora clearance in the district of Kachchh

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Gujarat (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Aranya Bhavan Near CH-3 Circle, Sector-10 A, Gandhinagar, GJ 382010

Kindly disclose the following details:

1. How much area of Kachchh district in under the invasion of prosopis juliflora? I need a map of prosopis juliflora distribution across the region of Kachchh district, which can help me identify the dense pockets. 

2. How much patch of land has been cleared of prosopis juliflora invasion in the district of Kachchh from January 2022 to August 2024 by the Gujarat Forest department.

3. What steps have been taken after the removal of prosopis juliflora for the sustainable restoration of the patch of land by the Gujarat Forest Department. If it depends on the type of landscape, please mention the steps differently for each type of land (Grassland, Thorn forest, Shrub land, etc. )

4. What is being done with the prosopis juliflora wood after the removal by the Gujarat Forest Department.

5. How much budget has been allocated annually for this clearance work and how much of it has been utilized for the district of Kachchh.