Request Details

Funds allotted to Beenapara Village of Azamgarh Distrcit, Uttar Pradesh

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Government level: Uttar Pradesh (India)
Agency/Ministry: Rural Development Department
Addressed to: Public Information Officer

Please provide the following information in respect of budget allocation, works and expenditure of Beenapara Village of Mirzapur Block-Azamgarh Districts of Utar Pradesh from the year 2000-till now, or as many years as records exist up to year 2000.

Particulars of information required:

1. For Budget grant

a) Certified copy of the Head-wise budget grant sanctioned.

b) Certified copy of the statement of total taxes and/Local Body Tax (LBT) collected under various heads.

c) Documents containing details of MP-LAD, MLA-LAD funds received by the Panchayat for execution of works.

d) Documents containing details of MGNREGA/NREGA funds received by the Panchayat.

2. For Abstract Expenses

a) Documents showing head-wise expenses of the Beenapara Village separately.

b) List of Plan-head works contracts and Maintenance works Contracts awarded and expenditure incurred for such works.

c) List of works completed under MGNREGA/NREGA funds and the actual expenditure charged to MGNREGA/NREGA Works.

d) Certified list of works completed by Panchayat, out of funds released from MP-LAD/MLA-LAD funds.

3. Panchayat Works

a) Copy of Letter of Acceptance of all works awarded from 01/04/2000 to 31/03/2017.

b) Copy of latest paid On-account bill (OR running bill) in respect of all on-going works.

c) Copy of Final Bills of all contracts completed from 01/04/2000 to 31/03/2017.

d) Documents showing details of Service Tax deducted from each of the contractor and remitted to Central Excise and Customs Department during the period 01/04/2000 to 31/03/2017.

4. Documents showing how many widows/senior citizens/youth/ are availing facilities of different government schemes.