Request Details

Eviction and Rehabilitation Policies and Rules for Communities and Residents on DDA Owned Land

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Delhi Development Authority
Addressed to: Mahendra Pal

In relation to DDA policies and procedures regarding the upgradation, rehabilitation, relocation and/or eviction/demolition of slums, JJ Clusters and other irregular housing on DDA Land, please provide true copies of the following:

1) Policies, Guidelines, Manuals or other documents which describe how decisions to upgrade, rehabilitate, relocate or evict/demolish any of the slums, JJ Clusters or other irregular housing on DDA land are made.

2) Policies, Guidelines, Manuals or other documents which describe how such programs are carried out, including any residential surveys; rehabilitation or relocation eligibility determinations; selection and/or construction of relocation colonies; and eviction/demolition actions.

3) Orders, Meeting Minutes, or Correspondence discussing these policies and procedures, or proposed changes thereto, between 01.01.2007 and now.

4) Orders, Meeting Minutes or Correspondence discussing the application of these policies and procedures to any slums, JJ Clusters or other irregular housing on DDA Land between 01.01.2017 and now.