Request Details

Application for Information Under Right To Information Act, 2005

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Sahitya Akademi
Addressed to: Sri Krishna Ravindra Kimbahune Deputy Secretary - Incharge - Administration
Rabindra Bhavan, 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi, DL 110001

I Request the following information in respect of Sahitya Akademi, Regional Office, Mumbai:

1. Please State how many employees are working in the above regional office. Please provide information including name and designation.

2. Please State how many Programme Officers(PO) are working in the above office. Provide information including name and Work responsibilities 

3. Please State when and through what means the Programme Officer working in the above office was appointed. Provide the following documents in this regard.
a) Copy of the advertisement or notification for the recruitment of the said post.
b) Details of the criteria and process followed for the shortlisting of candidates.

4. Provide the following information regarding Educational Certificate, Application Form and Verification submitted by Programme Officer working in the above office.
a) List of educational documents submitted at the time of application.
b) Copy of verification report of educational documents submitted.
c) Copy of the application form submitted for the said post.
d) Details of information given in the application form (excluding sensitive personal information).

5. Please provide information regarding the PhD degree submitted by the above Programme Officer.
a) Year of completion of PhD
b) Name of the University
c) Duration of PhD (admission year to final year)

The Information sought above is NOT EXEMPT under any provision of section 8(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005