Request Details

MOU with Public authority and NPCIL and NFC

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Nuclear Fuel Complex
Addressed to: K Ramesh

  1. Provide the details and copy of MOU signed between NFC and Local Authority and State government which say about what type of benefits will be given to local people afte at the construction period completed.  

  2. How much employment got by to local people as permanent employees in NFC Rajhastan State.Provide the Details with list. 

3.   In What way benefit will be give to locals for sharing their lands and water with plant and what is the status of CSR related work committed for Rawatbhata people .

4. Radius  area cover by NFC department which spot they have plan for development provide the details. 

5.Provide the Copy of MOU sign in between collector and SDM of Rawatbhata with all documents if Any.