Request Details

Total Employees in Greater Chennai Corporation in Tax bracket

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Government level: Tamil Nadu (India)
Agency/Ministry: Greater Chennai Corporation
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
5 Anderson Road, Chinna Chembarambakkam, Ayanavaram Vasantha Nagar, Chennai, TN 600023

RTI Application Seeking Information on TDS Returns for the Financial Year 2022-2023 by the Greater Chennai Corporation

1. Please provide detailed information on the TDS returns paid by the Commissioner of Greater Chennai Corporation for the employees under City Health Officer for the financial year 2022-2023.

2. Please provide detailed information on the TDS returns paid by the Program Officer of the NTEP Division of Greater Chennai Corporation for the financial year 2022-2023.

3. If TDS returns for the specified financial year have not been paid, kindly provide detailed reasons for the non-payment.

4. Provide the total TDS amount was paid by the Commissioner for the year 2022-2023, and for how many employees under City Health Officer was it deducted. Please provide a breakdown of the amounts and the number of employees under City Health Officer.

5. Of the total employees for which TDS was paid during 2022-2023 who work under City Health Officer, how many of them are temporary and how many are permanent.

6. Of the total number of permanent employees under City Health Officer for which TDS was paid during 2022-2023, how many employees are expected to attain age of retirement within next 5 years.

7. Of the total number of permanent employees under City Health Officer for which TDS was paid during 2022- 2023, how many of them are doctors.

8. Similarly, What is the total number of permanent employees under City Health Officer in Greater Chennai Corporation for which TDS was paid during financial year 2012- 2013.

9. Of the total number of permanent employees under City Health Officer in Greater Chennai Corporation for which TDS was paid during 2012-2013, how many of them are doctors.

10. Has the NTEP Division of Greater Chennai Corporation submitted TDS statements and returns for the financial year 2022-2023 to the relevant tax authorities, as required by law? If yes, please provide copies of these statements.

11. Please share any correspondence, notices, or communication between the Greater Chennai Corporation and the Income Tax Department related to TDS returns and payments during the mentioned financial year.

12. Has there been any communication or response from the Income Tax Department regarding any discrepancies or issues with TDS returns submitted by the Greater Chennai Corporation for the financial year 2022-2023. If so, please provide details.

13. Please furnish any additional information, records, or documents related to TDS returns and payments made by the Greater Chennai Corporation during the financial year 2022-2023 and 2012 -2023 that may shed light on the matter.

14. What measures, if any, have been taken by the Greater Chennai Corporation to rectify any deficiencies or errors in TDS payments for the financial year 2022-2023.

15. Please specify the procedures followed by the NTEP Division of Greater Chennai Corporation to ensure accurate and timely TDS payments for its employees, and if there have been any changes or improvements made in these procedures in light of the issues encountered during the financial year 2022-2023.