Request Details

Information Request - Super-30 ICAR/JRF Series (IDP-NAHEP) - SKUAST Srinagar (2020)

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Jammu and Kashmir (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Chatha, Jammu, JK 180009

*Subject: Information Request - Super-30 ICAR/JRF Series (IDP-NAHEP) - SKUAST Srinagar (2020)*

This request seeks information regarding the Super-30 ICAR/JRF Series initiative conducted by SKUAST Srinagar under the IDP-NAHEP program in 2020.

Specific details requested:

*Number of Experts and Remuneration:*

*Please provide the total number of experts engaged under this initiative.*

Additionally, details on the remuneration paid to these experts, including the amount and the respective dates of payment, are requested.

We request a breakdown of the payments made to the experts, including:

1. Dates of each payment.

2. A copy of the balance sheet reflecting these transactions.

3. Ledger entries associated with the payments.

4. The mode of payment used (e.g., bank transfer, cash).

5. Reference IDs for each transaction.

5. Any other relevant details pertaining to how the honorarium or other payments were credited to the experts' accounts.

Note: This information is being requested under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Please acknowledge receipt of this request and provide the requested information at your earliest convenience.

Notes added by YouRTI admin
Dear Applicant,                                 Under RTI we can ask for the information that is readily available with the authorities. We cannot question the authority whether the information furnished by them is genuine or not. For getting the information whether they have really spent the amount for the purpose for which it is assigned you may seek the intervention of competent authority.