Request Details

Details on Pollution and Environmental clearance at NFC in Rawatbhata site

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Nuclear Fuel Complex
Addressed to: A Jaya Krishna

Please provide following information on Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) in Rawatbhata site of Rajasthan.

1. Number of Contract Labour and Permanent Manpower working in Rawatbhata NFC Site.

2. Kindly provide number of Local Labour and Permanent Manpower who have permanent address of Rawatbhata. 

3 Please provide clear copy of Pollution and Environment Clearance Certificate for construction of NFC at Rawatbhata. Clear Copy of NOC of all the batching plant and Crusher located in NFC Rawatbhata.

4. Please provide clear copy of drawing of sewerage line located in NFC colony at Rawatbhata. How many people living in NFC residential colonies in Rawatbhata?

5. Number of STP plant and water treatment plant located in Rawatbhata and how many colonies connected with it provide clear copy for the same.

6. Kindly provide the details of technology/methods/equipments used for treating sewerage water from NFC in Rawatbhata site of Rajasthan.

7. Please provide complete plans of toilets. How many toilets planned and completed by NFC in Rawatbhata site of Rajasthan to give facility to local labours? Please provide clear copy of the contracts and the details of Contracting Companies.

8. Please provide the clear copy of drawing of sewerage water pipeline passing from Anu Asha Colony located at phase 2 of Rawatbhata.

9. Where we can find details of Office in charge of STP plant located at various locations? Please provide suitable website links or any other documents related to this.