Request Details

Information and Inspector Details in Saidabad Area

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Telangana (India)
Agency/Ministry: Legal Metrology,Hyderabad
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Hyderabad City Zone, 209 PWD building, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, TG 500080

1. Collection of Samples:We would appreciate it if your department could provide instructions on the proper procedure for collecting samples from the mentioned areas in the old city. This information is essential for ensuring that accurate and reliable data is collected for further analysis and compliance purposes.

2. Lack of Awareness Programs:It has come to our attention that many officers in the Saidabad area have not been conducting awareness programs at schools and colleges. These programs are important for educating students and the public about legal metrology standards and regulations. We kindly request that the necessary steps be taken to address this issue and ensure that awareness programs are conducted regularly.

3. Inspector Details in Saidabad:Please provide us with the full details of the inspector(s) responsible for the Saidabad area, including their phone number and email ID. Having this information will help us communicate with the relevant authorities and address any specific concerns or queries related to legal metrology standards in the said area.

4.Whether the department are taken action against the officer who involved misconducted and corruption  

Notes added by YouRTI admin
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