Request Details

Distribution of names in space and time

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Technology Centre
Addressed to: Maneesha Raman

The Aadhaar database has now captured biographical data on hundreds of millions of people across India. Of this data I would like the following summary information of all the records in the database:

1. Information in a tabular format containing the following column: first/given name, month and year of birth, sex, frequency of occurrence in the group defined by the preceding columns. Names that do not occur more than 20 times may be omitted.

2. Information in tabular format containing the following columns: last name/surname/family name, state and district of residence, frequency of occurrence in the group defined by the preceding columns.

Although the RTI Act does not require me to provide a reason, I am asking for this information in the public interest for the reason that data can be immensely valuable in understanding several social and cultural trends. The Social Security Administration in the USA makes this type of information voluntarily available (

I request this information in electronic format, either as spreadsheets of popular software (Excel, Open Office) or as database extracts in commonly used formats (raw SQL, CSV, XML or a non-proprietary, open format). The data may be provided either on a Web/cloud platform of your choosing or mine, flash drives, or DVDs. Barring the above, please provide clear, legible printouts.