Request Details

Details regarding electricity Meter Reading Monitoring

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Agency/Ministry: Ministry of Power
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, DL 110001

I am writing to file an RTI request seeking data and answers from the Ministry of Power, India. My Information pertain to the implementation of prepaid metering in India.

1. We anticipate that a strong communication network is crucial for the success of the AMI smart metering projects, especially for prepaid metering. It is evident from many news articles that communication failures between meters and the DISCOM head-end systems have affected the success of the entire project, both before and after 2014. What is the success rate of AMI implementations before and after 2014, with regards to prepaid metering. What is the Ministry's opinion on having a strong communication infrastructure in place for prepaid metering.

2. Provide the details on prepaid calculations done on the server side and on the meter side. What is the process for calculating prepaid balances and recharging them, and what measures are in place to ensure accuracy and prevent fraud.

3. Provide the current penetration rate of prepaid metering in India, and what are the targets for increasing this rate? Are there any specific areas or regions where the adoption of prepaid metering is being encouraged or prioritized.

4. Provide the details on consumer complaints and grievances handled with regards to prepaid metering. What is the process for resolving disputes between consumers and DISCOMs, and what measures are in place to prevent misuse or exploitation of consumers.

5. Provide the procedure of data collection and analysed for prepaid metering, and what insights have been gained from this data. Are there any plans to use this data for broader energy management and planning purposes.

6. Provide the details on adoption of prepaid metering impacting electricity consumption patterns and overall energy efficiency in India. What are the potential benefits and challenges of this approach, and  Provide the procedure of monitored and evaluated.

7. Provide the number of DISCOMs across India have implemented AMI smart metering projects, and what is the status of these projects. Please provide details of any delays, cost overruns, or other challenges faced by the DISCOMs during the implementation of these projects.

8. Provide  the average cost per unit of electricity supplied by DISCOMs that have implemented AMI smart metering projects, compared to DISCOMs that have not implemented such projects? Please provide data for the last five years, broken down by DISCOM and state.

9. Provide the details on Ministry ensured that the benefits of AMI smart metering projects are passed on to consumers in the form of lower electricity bills. Please provide details of any measures taken by the Ministry to monitor and regulate DISCOM tariffs.