Request Details

Slum Rehabilitation near Sanjay Gandhi National Park

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Government level: Maharashtra (India)
Addressed to: Dharmendra D Kantharia

1. a) List of all orders issued since 1 January 2012 related to the building constructions adjacent within 500 m to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park

b) Copies of all such orders.

2. a) Copies of any documents that specify number or limits to above-ground floors that may be built near wildlife/national park areas.

b) Copies of any authority letters issued since 1 January 2012 in which permission is given to build above ground floors. and also 

3. Any documents mentioning reason of delay in slum rehabilitation of Wagle estate.

4. Any documents mentioning increase in illegal construction near Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

4. Please provide any documents mentioning actions taken by the municipal corporation or concerned authority in stopping illegal construction near Sanjay Gandhi National Park.