Request Details

Amount spent on construction of Parks in Shastri Nagar-Tirunelveli

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Government level: Tamil Nadu (India)
Addressed to: The Public Information Officer

There is incomplete construction of Parks in Housing Board, Shastri Nagar Pettai-Tirunelveli, Madurai-Tamil Nadu. In this context:

1. Please provide true copies of the budgets allocated to construction of Parks in Shastri Nagar.

2. Kindly provide bills, utilization certificates, audit reports or any other documents that consist of the details of payments made to all contractors and builders for the construction of the roads in Housing Board, Shastri Nagar Pettai-Tirunelveli, Madurai-Tamil Nadu.

3. Please provide true copies of project proposals, layouts, plans and maps for the construction of parks.

4. Please provide a list of all tenders received for the construction of parks in Shastri Nagar Pettai-Tirunelveli.