Request Details

Details of road repairing between Panch Shrishti Complex to Hiranandani Powai-Mumbai

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Government level: Maharashtra (India)
Addressed to: A.H Kate

The road which connects Panch Shrishti Complex S.M.Shetty School Powai to Hiranandani Powai is in a very bad condition from the past year. As a concerned citizen, I would like to know the following informations:

1. Who is repairing this road-MCGM (Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai)or private agencies/builder? If private agencies/builder, then please provide name and contact of the agency/builder that was awarded the contract to build this road. Please provide true copies or any other documents that may contain this information.

2. Total amount of money spent on repairing the road as of now. Please provide true copies of utilizations, budgets, expense sheets or any other documents that may contain this information.

3. Provide details of plans of this road including their delayed reason, current status and expected completion dates.