Request Details

Request for Action against Fake Doctors in Hyderabad and Inquiry on Inspection in Old City

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Government level: Telangana (India)
Agency/Ministry: Telangana Medical Council
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
P. B. 523, Sultan Bazaar near Post Office , opposite Womens College , Hyderabad,, TG 500095

1. Has TGMC appointed any designated officer to oversee and investigate cases of fake doctors operating within its jurisdiction? If so, what measures are being taken to identify and penalize such individuals?

2. Are there any specific protocols or guidelines in place for handling complaints related to fake doctors, and how does the council ensure thorough investigations are conducted to safeguard the interests of patients?

3. Has the council conducted any visits or inspections in the old city area of Hyderabad to assess the presence of unlicensed practitioners and verify the authenticity of medical facilities operating there?

4. What steps are being taken by TGMC to raise awareness among the public about the risks associated with seeking medical care from unqualified individuals and to encourage reporting of suspicious activities?

5. Can you provide information on any recent instances where action was taken against fake doctors in Hyderabad, and what penalties were imposed on those found guilty of practicing medicine without proper qualifications?