Request Details

Status of results of first semester engineering courses (B.Tech)

Please keep this reference code. You will need it to check on the status of this request.
Government level: Maharashtra (India)
Addressed to: The Registrar / Public Information Officer
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Administrative Premises, Ravindranath Tagore Marg, Nagpur, MH 440033

1- Provide information regarding the time limit the university has set for declaring results for first semester exams for B.Tech courses (winter-2021)

2- Provide information regarding which organisation was given the responsibility to conduct online winter 2021 exam

3- Provide information regarding the steps taken by university in case the above mentioned organization does not provide the results within reasonable time frame

4- Provide information regarding whom does the Director of Examination Section answers too

5- Provide Information regarding the names of companies that have been blacklisted by the universities for conduction of exams

Notes added by YouRTI admin
Resent on 25/08/2022 after changing agency address