Request Details

Information related to details of Upcoming and Upgraded Airports of India

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Government level: Government of India (India)
Addressed to: Public Information Officer
Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, DL 110003

1. Please provide lists of all Domestic and International Airports present in India.

2. Please provide lists of Airports which were upgraded or on up gradation from 2014 to till date.

3. Please provide clear copies of the amounts used in upgrading old Airports from 2014 to till date. Please share clear copies of expense statements, invoices, budget documents or any other documents related to this.

4. What are the projects of Ministry of Civil Aviation in building new Airports in India for upcoming 10 years?

a) What are the locations for those Airports?

b) Please provide clear copies of the budget sanctioned for building new airports in India.

c) Please provide clear copies of the expenses done till date for building new airports in India.